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Many of today’s internet or home-based business owners can easily become swamped with the number of daily tasks before them. Some manage to do well online while at the same time having time for themselves or their family. These people have discovered the value of outsourcing. Not only does it allow you to get all tasks accomplished but gives you the opportunity to work on those items you enjoy most. The little tasks which consume so much of your time can be passed to your VA as well as your contracted employees.


In order to achieve your desired level of success, consider outsourcing some of the tasks. This will enable you to concentrate more on areas which you consider critical enough to deal with yourself. Here are some examples:

Article Writing: Frequently you will find online marketers outsourcing any article writing needs they may have. Although great in order to advertise your business, they can also be quite time-consuming. These articles are an important aspect of your internet or home-based business. You can submit them to various article databases available. Social networking and web content are also great ways to make use of articles.


Website Building: You may possibly find yourself lacking in some software skills needed for website building. This is a good area to outsource to avoid spending hours getting frustrated and therefore not accomplishing the task at hand. There are multitudes of people out there who are in a position to help you. They have the skills needed, giving you the ability to outsource this project. It’s best to learn new skills when time permits, and not with a deadline looming around you.


Blog & Forum Posting: Forums and blogs are great advertising venues. You may choose to outsource the addition or changing of content on a regular basis.  The outsourced employee may answer questions or add new content to your blogs and forums for you.


Other aspects which can help you establish effective outsourcing with your clients could be the following:

Be Honest: “Honesty is the best policy” is probably something you have heard said many times before. There is still no change to this quote, and it can become especially helpful in all your business ventures. Honesty is of the greatest importance when you are a service provider. This is something that should be passed on to your contractors as well.


Going the Extra Mile: Small business owners often have huge ideas for their business. This is often followed by much smaller budgets. The budget should in no way mean their business is of lesser value. By going that extra mile to provide a helping hand, your clients will remember your actions. This, in turn, will possibly result in them returning to you for further business needs.


Keep Lines of Communication Open: You want to make sure your clients feel they can come to you at any time to voice their concerns. If for some reason deadlines can’t be met, or communications seem to have ceased, be sure to reach out accordingly to re-establish contact. You can also inform clients of any new skills you have which may help them in other areas of their business. In addition, you can inform them that you are able to take on more assignments if need be.


Effective outsourcing is an important aspect of your internet or home business venture. It’s not only a way to allow for greater quality in the work you can provide your clients. It can also result in you receiving recommendations and future clients when word of mouth starts to occur.

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If you’re considering starting your own small business, a franchise is often an excellent option.  They give you the freedom to fund your own business with the security of having trusted products and business practices.


Getting started with franchising, however, can be a bit confusing.  Here you’ll find an explanation of the initial fees needed to get started with your business.

A royalty fee is just an upfront payment that gives the franchisee the right to use the name and logo of the company for a certain period of time.  How long you can use it depends on the company and often your location. After that period, there are general options for renewal, which are again different for everyone.


In addition to royalty fees, you’re also going to have to pay for equipment and other supplies from the franchisor.  What makes a franchise work is that you can go into any store anywhere in the country and know what products and services to expect.  This means everyone has to have the same tools and the same supplies.


In addition to the initial fees, you will also have to pay royalties as you make money. Again, this is something that varies by company but is usually dependent upon how much you sell.  That is good for you because if they benefit from how much you make, they’re going to work harder to make sure your business is successful.


Have you ever noticed that most buildings for a franchised store look the same or at least similar?  Often, the franchisor buys and sets up the external part of the building before they ever bring someone on to run it.  Instead of an upfront fee, they will normally charge you a monthly flat rent fee, or an additional percentage of your profits to pay for the building.  If the franchisor does not provide the location, you will also be responsible for building costs.

In addition to paying to use the brand name, you also will have to periodically pay to advertise.  This budget is used nationally for billboards, TV, radio ads, and all other kinds of advertising. This not only means you don’t have to worry about developing and producing your own marketing campaign, but it also means other members are gaining business which means you gain business when those customers move or travel.

When it comes to starting a franchise, you’re going to need quite a bit of money to get started.  In addition to the fees, you’ll also need working capital to keep your business running until it begins making money.


While it may require a substantial amount of planning, saving, and searching for loans, in the end, you’ll be rewarded with support from other business owners and a fairly high chance of success.  

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Tips for Converting to Automated Business Tasks

Automation can save a small business time and money if it is started in a small, focused and concentrated manner. The first major decisions will be what to automate, and why. Then it will be a case of implementing the automation and monitoring its success.


Setting Your Goals

Your main goals for automating key business tasks will be to save time and money. There are many tools available that can help automate many of the mission-critical business tasks you need every day. Once you have them automated, your business can start to grow because you will be able to get more done in less time, freeing you up for more marketing, product creation, and so on.


Processes to Automate

There are a number of key areas you can automate. One might be automating your email marketing in order to build relationships with your target audience. Another might be reporting, such as metrics that show the success of your latest email campaign.


Successful Automation

Successful automation will usually start with breaking down the task into a number of essential steps. For example, if you were going to automate your email marketing in order to let your autoresponders do most of the work, you would:


  • Create a list
  • Create or locate content for that list
  • Upload content into the autoresponder
  • Set the schedule for the content to be delivered
  • Deliver the content = automated
  • Check the results of the emails in the autoresponder


While it is true that four out of these five tasks will have to be done by a person, once it is set up, the automated part will do the work for you over and over again. Set the report on the metrics to be delivered to you automatically and you have a virtually hands-free marketing system you can monitor in only a minute per day.


Online Reputation Management

If you are concerned about your online reputation, you could search on Google and other websites every day using your business name, or you could set up a Google Alert that would deliver results straight to your inbox daily or weekly. This can save you hours of time. It also means that if anything negative does crop up, you can put out a small blaze before it becomes a forest fire.


How to Decide What to Automate

There are a few characteristics to consider:

  • It is repetitive – It is basically a task that requires you to do the same thing over and over again without any significant variations.
  • It has a simple workflow – It has a few steps that are each repetitive and easy.
  • It is focused and targeted – The process is designed to accomplish one task, not several at the same time.
  • You find it dull or boring – If you don’t like a task, chances are you will procrastinate, or not do it very well. But if it is mission critical, automation can help ease the pain.
  • You don’t have the time for it – There are only so many working hours in the day. The more time you spend on sending out emails and digging through metrics, the less time you have for everything else. Automation will save you time and can also increase your profits, because you can focus more on tasks that earn money directly such as product creation and marketing.
  • Tasks that are impossible to scale – Using email marketing as an example again, you would never be able to manage a list manually and get anything else done. Sending out welcome emails to 1, 2, 5, 10 people would take up more and more of your time. With an autoresponder, however, it doesn’t matter if you have 1 person or 100, it will do its job.


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Great tools for every Website

Building and maintaining a Website is not an easy job. Website builders like Square Space or Wix sure make it easier, but the more help the better. We, at Blue Marble Office, as well as 26 % of the Internet, have chosen to build our Website with the help of WordPress.
Great tools for every website

WordPress Themes

The first step of WordPress is picking a theme. You can think of the theme as a template on which you then apply customizations. For an average user, the customizations would stop at this level and the Website would likely turn out great. If you, however, want to go down to the nitty gritty and customize in more detail, you would turn to plugins, add-ons for WordPress. Below are what we selected as great tools for every Website:


For us, it was very important to be able to truly make this website our own, and no plugin helped us more with this than the Elementor page builder. This is the plugin used to design the layout of all pages, including this very post. What makes this so powerful is that you can see your changes in real time. We find that this page builder works best with the Generate Press theme because of its “hooks” and “blank slate capabilities”.


Share buttons are, of course, something any and all articles/blogs should have. This Plugin allows us to have beautiful social share buttons on all our posts. There are countless Plugins like this but we picked this one because it allowed us to place them wherever we want using shortcodes. You can try them to see if you like them by pressing any of the buttons in this blog post.

Tidio Chat

We tried many chat plugins before we finally found Tidio. This is what makes that little icon at the left bottom of your screen. Try saying hi, both of our phones will alert us and we will come back to you. If we’re sleeping or just, in general, can’t get to our phone, an automatic message will let you know we’ll come back to you shortly. Stylish and very customizable!

Yoast SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a constant battle to stay relevant in search engines eyes. This plugin is at its core a guide pushing you towards good practices. Because search engines like good Websites, working with SEO brings you the bi-product of a generally improved site.

External Links

External Links may not as interesting as the other plugins but useful nonetheless. As you can see, this blog post has many source links in the text. If a user is interested and clicks that link this plugin makes sure it opens in a new tab. This makes the user, aka you, less likely to forget about and leave our site.

Closing plugin tips

We do not recommend going overboard with the number of plugins you install. Because most plugins are user generated some plugins may not play well with other plugins or even your WordPress theme. Therefore, a smart move is to go for the popular plugins. This reassures you that it will stay updated alongside WordPress updates. It also boosts your chances of someone else having the same issues as you and can work together to solve it.

But don’t be afraid to try and experiment, that’s where the fun comes in. Also, you should always have a backup of your site in case the worst case scenario occurs.

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Best productivity tools for travelers

Traveling and being a Digital Nomad is not easy all the time. Working with these tools for travelers that can help you to save some money or find what you’re looking for quickly could make your travels easier. We still have a lot to learn but these tools for travelers have been helping us during our adventures:
business solutions

Google flights

One day you might decide to pack your bags, buy a ticket and just run away. But you don’t know where to go. With Google Flights, you can see a map of the world and get an idea of cities and ticket prices. This is not only an inspiration tool but also the place you can buy tickets, compare prices and set customized alerts to know when that ticket you want so much has lower prices.


Nomad list

Do you still need some inspiration? Maybe for your next Digital Nomad experience? This is what you need. This tool will help you choose your next destination by setting a few customizable filters like budget, nightlife, proximity to the beach, safety, temperatures and more. Although we think the monthly prices aren’t so accurate, we still think this is a great tool to get a general feel and help you plan your next destination. This is one of our favorite tools for travelers!



Ok, you picked your next destination but you do not know the language and you have a long flight. No worries, you have Duolingo. You can download a few lessons and learn while having fun, pretending to look busy next to your chatty seat neighbor. This app will probably have the language you want to learn and locals will appreciate it.



You’re lucky enough to travel without having a return date because you want to enjoy that country you wanted to visit so much and then see where the destiny takes you. I bet you are not the only one that has dreamt about it. But, in some countries, this could be a problem, since they want to be sure you’re not planning to stay more than you should.

With this tool, you can say you have a trick under your sleeve. This allows you to rent an onward ticket to present to immigration in case you think they could ask you for a return ticket. Depending on your booking option, the ticket will last for exactly 24 or 48 hours, so all you need to do is make sure you’re arriving at your destination within 24 or 48 hours of booking your onward flight. The ticket will be automatically canceled after that period.

But of course, if you’re planning to stay for a longer period of time than you should, make sure you make the proper paperwork to be allowed to stay in the country. We always encourage our friends to do the right thing.


Google Maps

After living for almost a year in Sydney, Google Maps became my best friend. Sydney transportation is very reliable but could be confusing sometimes, or every time to be honest. This powerful tool will help you to determine which transportation is the best option and suggest some other alternatives. Also, it will tell you where you have to wait, when and how long the ride is. Also, if you set when you need to be at your destination, Google Maps will tell you when you need to leave your home. How awesome is that!



Choosing a restaurant, hotel or a tour is not easy with so many options! With Tripadvisor you can make it a bit easier by reading recommendations, ratings and even the restaurant Menu! Don’t waste your time doing long researches when you can enjoy more of what you love: travel.

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Tools that are here to stay

Finding a good tool is distracting, why? You’re trying to find a tool that helps you to get more tasks done in a short time, but now you’re in the midst of a huge ocean full of “good”, “great” and “awesome” tools, or that’s how they advertise themselves. And now, you have some reading to do! Or just use this post as a short cut and start getting those tasks done.


If this then that.

I’m guessing you have a phone, don’t you? This powerful tool will help you to do what you always do, but easier, faster and almost without any effort.  What’s the result? A time saver!  Basically, if something happens, the tool will do what you asked it to do. You can choose plenty of recipes, and you can learn HERE how it works.

The good thing is, this does not only help with your business-related tasks but also with some other everyday things you do without even noticing. An example? Turn your porch light automatically when your pizza delivery guy or uber is arriving. How cool is that?


Ifttt GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY


Having too many accounts can be Handy but counter-productive when you’re trying to remember all your (embarrassing) passwords. With this fantastic software you’ll need to remember only one, the software will take care of the rest. You’ll have a list of all the accounts you have and their correspondent passwords. Also, when you’re trying to connect to one of your accounts, Dashlane will help you to connect automatically without the need of writing that password. Easiness to the next level!


Designers Bonus:


This is not for everybody but could be more useful than you think! Do you need to know a specific color code? This is the easiest way to do it. You don’t need to be happy with a “similar” color if you can get the right one this easy!

Just get the Chrome extension and start using it! You’ll get the color you select with the extension’s pointer instantly.


What the font:

This Chrome extension with this funny name will help you identify those fonts you want to use so much for your Social Media designs. You’ll be uploading a screenshot of the font you’re trying to know the name of and What the font will find the closest matches in their huge database.



Are you a designer or an aspiring designer but does not want to chain yourself to the monthly fees of the Adobe suite? Affinity offer an alternative, they have Affinity photo for picture editing and Affinity designer for vector editing. Adobe equivalences may be more powerful in some areas but Affinity is many times more powerful in others. You can get Affinity photo and designer for a very reasonable price. The best part – it is a one time fee.

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Skills you need to succeed as an entrepreneur Part II

We wrote last month about five skills you need to succeed as an entrepreneur. Have a look at hour second part.

If you want to read the first part, please visit this LINK

Branding your business:

You have to build a business where not only you have sell but also believe in. Playing a role game here could be a good idea: would you be interested in your brand if you’re a customer? Would you buy your product and recommend it? Your brand doesn’t have to identify you but it has to be strong enough to survive during the years, your personal changes and the trends. Also, it has to show your business values and philosophy, your mission and vision.

Spreading the word through Social Networks, Website and a Blog is part of your branding so make sure everything goes with the same symphony.


Your network can be the key:

And this is not only to get more clients, this is also to get providers, efficient staff and people that can help you succeed in your field. You can learn from other entrepreneurs or other professionals that already went through what you’re doing. It’s very important to be surrounded by people that believes the same as you, breath business and have similar business values; this is not only to have a network where everyone can help each other with material assets but also to inspire yourself. Make sure you are available on Social Networks and have other ways to be reached out, don’t make it hard for that fellow entrepreneur to contact you.



This is an important aspect of your business growth, having the ability to sell your product through different channels is important to succeed. You don’t know how to? You have two options: learning or hiring some help, but you definitely need it. This will drive traffic to your website, expand the brand, teach your audience, share your culture, among others.



Yes, now you have the design, website, and presence on the main Social Media accounts. Now it’s time to analyze your target behavior. The UX is important to determine what they like, what they’re after and what is the thing they enjoy the most from you.

This information will lead to most of your decisions to keep updating your website and posting on your Social Media, after some time of research you’ll be able to post what it makes more and better reaction and what you think could lead to more sales. Google offers a good service for this and provides you good information to start with, also you can compensate with other platforms to get more information. These tools will help you recognize trends and maybe predict some of them!


You’re a learner and will you always be.

Being a learner is not a skill but being able to compromise to learn every time you can it certainly is.  This is part of Business 101, you need to keep your mindset updated and realize that you’ll never know it all. Nowadays, all the technology we’re using and the tools that help us succeed are being updated all the time or becoming obsolete, even when we sleep. That means you’re not allowed to get rid of that pen and notepad because you’ll be writing pretty often! Be ready to learn every day about new technologies, and the old ones that are updating or changing every day.